Stop Bullying


Thousands of children suffer from bullying every day and don't know what to do about it.

Tell your parents? Tell the teachers? Maybe this can help solve the problem  but it is hardly enough.

We believe that jiu jitsu training is the absolute best way to solve the problem of bullying and stop it from emerging.

What is "bullying"?

It is intimidation or domination towards someone who is considered weaker. A way to establish superiority through coercion or force. But anyone can react against the other in a particular case and not let him be a victim.

What defines bullying is that intimidation is repeated and maintained over a period of time, causing the victim emotional and physical damage.

This can take the form of physical coercion, verbal intimidation or even social bullying such as avoiding a group at school.

Jiu Jitsu training children or young adults is a profound response to the problem of bullying because it provides the physical and mental training necessary to quickly extinguish violence.

How can Jiu Jitsu help a child victim of violence?

The first kind of harm that comes from bullying is physical and it instills fear in the child. Fear is a reasonable reaction to bullying, fear of injury, and fear of revenge when you don't have the skills and don't know how to resist.

Jiu Jitsu deals with the threat of physical attacks in a very realistic way. Fights in real life most often occur on ground after one person take down another.

Jiu Jitsu techniques start from a standing position and then are transferred to take downs and finally the floor, which is also the most common defensive position during attack.

The training provides the skills needed to stop an attacker through technical moves based on levers rather than strength. Regular training leads to complete psychophysical development and empowerment.

The techniques practiced use the size and strength of the opponent against them, allowing the smaller person to take advantage of the lever, lock, and hold that can neutralize a larger and stronger attacker.

Since fighting can go in many directions depending on the techniques used, jiu jitsu trains us to analyze the situation and make the best of it without getting into trouble at school and in general.

Jiu jitsu neutralizes opponents through grips and postures without the need for punches or kicking.

Moreover, jiu jitsu breaks down the fear of physical struggle experienced by many victims of bullying.

Just taking fight to the ground and practicing techniques over and over again, all the muscles in the body are used and strengthened and reactions are trained without hesitation, so that when a real life scenario occurs it is not unpleasant to take action to defend themselves quickly and competently.

With a set of routines we come to discipline and over time it leads us to incredible self-confidence that will make not only the violence stop and not arise, but also reflect it on our daily lives and the people around us and be recognized as leaders in society or business.

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