7 Healthy Benefits of BJJ

7 Healthy Benefits of BJJ?
You can start training at any age or physical condition.
Due to the specifics of skill and sport, the approach we have and the way you train, your endurance increases over time.
At first, no matter how physically prepared you are, because of the specificity of the sport, you will feel a challenge.
Over time, training never gets easier because you continue to raise the intensity and your limits and you become better!

Initially, Jiu Jitsu requires you to move in a way that was previously unknown to you. Over time, as the movements become easier, you will realize that you have increased your flexibility.

Over time and without weights, muscle volume and mass increase. By practicing techniques in training, you teach your body to balance the way it activates muscles that have never been activated. They are necessary for the body to connect in such a way that it becomes stronger every day. Jiu Jitsu uses all your resources and it's up to you to learn how to use it in battle over time. Along the way, your sparring partners won't make it easier for you.
The only thing you need to be better is more Jiu Jitsu!

This is a great way to exercise and you will realize over time that you have significantly increased your aerobic capacity.
Aerobic training or exercise is one activity that involves or increases oxygen consumption in an organ. The term "aerobic" refers to the air or oxygen and represents the use of oxygen in the body's metabolic processes, i.e. in the process of energy production.
Aerobic capacity represents the functional capacity of the cardiovascular system – heart, blood vessels and lungs. It is the maximum amount of oxygen that the body can use during an aerobic exercise period.
You will also lose a few pounds, especially if occasionally on your days when you are not training BJJ include other aerobic activities such as running, swimming or cycling.

Knowing how to defend yourself from an attacker is a powerful feeling.
When we are convinced that our body and mind are strong, we feel better physically and mentally.
The confidence gained through training or competition is enormous because you realize that you have become seriously dominant and dangerous in relation to others and now is the time to articulate and direct your progress in the art of self-defense and sport.
Self-control that comes from perfecting and constantly testing yourself and your limits, raises the level of your self-confidence to the maximum.

BJJ is the perfect way to get rid of everyday stress and instead of nervousness and moodiness, start your day with a smile and healthy energy.

Visports requires mental concentration by which you anticipate each subsequent move of your opponent and as you formulate your plan of attack and defense. This forced concentration helps you to focus better during training and in general in your daily life.

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