Why Kids Should Train Jiu Jitsu❔❓

(A text for both parents and anyone interested in learning more about Jiu Jitsu's learning process.

BJJ requires children to perform techniques that contain many small details. Learning to perform techniques develops fine motor skills in children and teaches them to understand balance and balance. These skills are transferred to other sports and activities and help them to be more successful in everyday life.

BJJ is fun but the techniques are extremely detailed and complicated to perform. Children enjoy it but are forced to pay attention to their instructors in order to be successful. It will strengthen discipline and focus and then transfer it to better school work, better relationships and quality of life.

Learning process:
1. Learn how the technique works and how to perform it.
2. Learn how to perform a technique against an opponent who does not cooperate.
Our kid training has sparring at the end of every workout. This is a learning process. You won't see children breaking boards and the like, but they will be engaged in a real life combat situation trying to fight for the dominant one or escape from an unpleasant or compromising position.
When a child breaks a board or performs a glittering movement without real resistance, it gives children a false sense of self-confidence that is not transferred to the real world and this is extremely dangerous when in a realistic situation they realize that what they have learned does not work. Jiu Jitsu gives children the RIGHT confidence and the RIGHT way to defend themselves without having to hit or kick another child.

In training, children will meet new friends and share common experiences such as techniques of fighting, playing games and sparring. It's a great way for kids to learn to communicate with other children of all ages as well as with authorities like coaches. Children learn and grow with new friends they met in class and these friendships last a lifetime and are extremely valuable.

BJJ provides demanding cardiovascular training for children who love it very much. Through training, they will lose excess weight, gain strength and have more energy and endurance for daily activities. Since BJJ is extremely demanding, a healthy lifestyle becomes a necessity. A healthy diet, proper sleep and daily stretching are extremely important for maintaining health. This helps to get more out of training and make the body healthy and injury-free and reflects positively on everyone in our environment.

There are many ways to test yourself and measure progress. Learning through plan and program and evaluation after a certain period of time (GB Programs), acquiring higher belts, performing new techniques in sparring or practicing old ones with new opponents. Through the process of learning BJJ, you will learn to work further and more every day. The goal every day is to improve by 1%.

BJJ will provide children with the RIGHT tools for self-defense. It gives children more confidence and that is initially a deterrent from bullies. Bullies want easy prey and the kids who train BJJ are by no means!
In addition to self-confidence, children will also have the tools to physically defend themselves through hours spent on mats training real situations through close contact with their sparring partners using BJJ.
1 training = 3-5 sparring, 1 week = 9-15 sparring, 1 month = 36-60 sparring, 1 year = 432 to 720 sparring...
After just one year, one child who trains Jiu-Jitsu will have 400-700 simulations of real combat, so consider what advantage and what kind of self-confidence builds in relation to their peers.
A child full of self-confidence is not aggressive and does not enter into conflicts without being drawn into it, but then he has an excellent tool to get out of the conflict unharmed.

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